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International Conference "Towards the sustainable development of early childhood in the 21th- century

Date : 22/03/2014 12:00:00 ص
Regional Centre Participates at the International Conference "Towards Sustainable Development for Early Childhood 21th century" , organized by the International Centre for Childhood and early education and development " in the period from March 24 to 27, 2014 in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan . Shares a regional center with a lecture entitled " The Role of Media Software multiple educational sustainable development in early childhood” And provided by each of:
 1 - Dr . Nader Marafie- General Director of the Regional Centre
 2 - Dr . Mohammed Dorgham- Projects Manager
 The conference comes from the firm belief that education is the focus of the development process as a whole and that educational leaders and creative excellence tender are the real wealth
 For more details http://ciceld.com/conferences?id=1